lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008

My resume!!!! =)

Marilenis Montero Sanchez
La cañada de Urdaneta, Av. Principal
0265-5874254; 0416574 58 47

University Rafael Belloso Chacín Maracaibo, Venezuela2006 - 2010
BS in Industrial Engineering

U.E Pbro Miguel Angel Ortega
La cañada de urdaneta, Maracaibo Venezuela
Bachelor of Science

Summary of Experience
More than 10 years industry experience. Proven ability to cut costs without sacrificing product quality

· Lead the effort to establish and maintain “Best Methods” for all job functions· Lead / Perform the analysis, recommendation, and implementation of enhancements to existing work methods flows and processes to increase throughput


Pdvsa 2010 - 2015
Industrial Engineer
Performed time studies on production equipment to successfully establish production bottlenecks.
Monitored equipment downtime and implemented corrective action procedures.
Developed a set of guidelines to reduce costs in the division through value improvement programmes

Petrex S.A
Associate Industrial Engineer
Monitored equipment utilization and machine downtime with responsibility for the implementation of corrective and preventative actions.
Created an effective filing system to maintain equipment validation data and calibration data.
Assisted the technical and non-technical staff with equipment utilization and maintenance

Senior Industrial Engineer, 2017 - PresentConducted research concerning design, manufacture, and testing of industrial aerospace components, equipment, and systems

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